More midwest flooding news

(from Terri Yoho, John Michael Kohler Museum of Art)


We have heard that Dr. Evermor's Forevertron is flooded, and I plan on calling Tom today. Prairie Moon is fine--no problem with the Mississippi in that part of the state. Areas around Painted Forest are horribly flooded, particularly Reedsburg and also Valton, but Painted Forest and the Edgewood College Art Studio are fine. 

We had flooding in the basement of the Mary Nohl site in Fox Point, but an environmental team was brought in over the weekend to clean that. Thankfully, no art was touched. Sheboygan's Tellen Sculpture Garden has a lot of standing water and we have conservators on site as of yesterday, but we don't believe anything is threatened, just a big inconvenience to have all that water standing around.
Thanks for thinking of us.

From Larry Harris:
Dan Slaughter and his yard art environment are doing well, ground is wet, but they are high enough above the Mississippi in McGregor, IA, that they are fairing well.

Lisa Stone reports that  the serious rain was south of central Wisconsin, across the state, so other environments, people, houses, landscapes, etc. are fine.

Endangered art in Huntsville, AL


News from the Iowa floods