Ralph Lanning needs our help!

(Gretchen and Ralph Lanning in 2005)

I just was forwarded this email that was sent to Randy Mason at Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations about Ralph Lanning in Republic, MO and hard times that have befallen he and his lovely wife, Gretchen

(sent by Kellie Martinez)

comments: I'm hoping you can help save Ralph Lanning's Roadside Park. I visited this wonderful site for the first time today. I met Mr. & Mrs. Lanning. I was surprised & upset when I learned of their situation. 

With all the recent storms in our area, it's no surprise that an "adjuster" showed up to "inspect" the roof for damage. They were told insurance would cover it & there would be no out-of-pocket expense. This was not the case. Now the sculptures may need to be sold off to pay for a proper roof to be put on the house since it was botched. 

Mr.Lanning is now 92. He is very upset to think of selling his statues from the park to pay for a roof but may not have a choice. I got the impression he is concerned he may lose it all. Mr.Lanning informed me that he is a veteran of WWII & other battles. This information on top of the rest was enough to make me really want to be active in saving his work.

(excerpt from Detour Art)

Lanning Roadside Sculpture Park— Ralph Doss Lanning

1916-   Republic, MO   Concrete sculpture environment

It’s quickly apparent that the person most entertained by the Lanning Sculpture Park is Ralph Lanning. He is as humble as he is quick with a laugh as he shows visitors around his 8.5-acre concrete and stone sculpture garden, regaling them with stories. The garden is filled with mythical creatures, such as mermaids, gryphons, a two-headed dinosaur named Mik and Ike, and a nude Lady Godiva atop a horse (although Ralph claims she is wearing a body suit and tights). There is religious symbology and a touching tribute to a young man going to war. The inscription on the giant concrete heart reads: “If Heaven is half as beautiful as here on Earth, I don’t want to miss it.” Ralph may not consider himself an artist, but this gentle man’s garden speaks otherwise. 


Hubert Walters 1931-2008


Finally, a little good news from Chauvin!