Mr. Imagination's Fire

On Sunday, January 20, 2008, Gregory "Mr. Imagination" Warmack's home, gallery, collections and art studio in Bethlehem, PA was gutted by fire. Everything was lost including the centerpiece of the house, his bottlecap throne. Also lost in the fire was his beloved dog, Pharoah, two cats, Diamond and Shadow, and 3 kittens.

With hopes of helping him recover some of his lost photos, etc., I have started a flickr group, "Friends of Mr. Imagination"  all to share... photos and stories... to give to Mr. I. As you may or may not know, I am a book designer by trade, and would like to create a one-of-a-kind book of photos of his art, friends, environments, etc. to give to Mr. I.

Please feel free to add comments or personal messages to Mr, Imagination, and please post as large of photos as you can (better resolution when printed). Also be sure to include your name with the photos, so that you can be credited.

Your contributions and documentation of his home and art possess many memories that may have been lost. Although we can't bring back those losses, we can share our memories with him.

There is a great blog that has recent updates regarding Mr. I:

The Morning Call has been covering the fire:,0,434596.story

(image courtesy of Greg Heller)


More Mr. I news...


Boston Avenue Church